The Week Ahead 9/18-9/22

Next week we will begin having the expectation that students read 3 hours a week outside of school. Students will be given a reading log to document their reading on Tuesday. They will turn the reading log in the following Tuesday.

Students will be given their first set of vocabulary words on Tuesday. They will be tested on these words the following Tuesday. The words this week are introducing figurative language. We will be studying the words in class, but some students may want to study the words on their own at home as well. One way to study the words is to use quizlet. There is a link to the website under the Websites page of this blog. Students will have been shown how to get to the site and use it to practice their words by Tuesday.

We are in the beginning of our first PYP inquiry unit. The first unit falls under the transdisciplinary theme of Who We Are. The central idea of our unit is that people bring their cultural and personal beliefs to a community of learners. Students were sent home with a homework assignment that involves talking to their family about what their values are. They will be bringing a picture of something that reflects one of their family values. The family values homework is due Tuesday, 9/19.

Classroom Volunteers 
Thank you to those who have expressed an interest in volunteering in our classroom. Next week I'll look at the sign up from Back to School Night and begin contacting those that signed up to create our volunteer schedule. 

Upcoming Dates 
  • Tuesday, September 19th - Family Values Homework Due
  • Wednesday, September 20th - Early Release - 1:35
  • Tuesday, September 26th - Figurative Language Vocab Test/Reading Log Due 
  • Thursday, October 5th - Track Trot

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