The Week of 10/2-10/6

By Monday, 10/2 each student will have their first reading goal. They are responsible for working on their reading goal during their in class independent reading time. Each time I conference with them I'll check in on their previous reading goal and then give them another reading goal to work on. Your student should know what their reading goal is, have them tell you.

Our vocabulary for next week will again focus on figurative language. Instead of showing an understanding of the definition, students will be given six types of figurative language and asked to write an example of each. The six types of figurative language they will need to give examples of are simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, onomatopoeia, and idiom.

Idiom of the Week
From this point forward we will have a different idiom of the week each week. Students are encouraged keep an eye out for the idiom of the week and share when they encounter it in their lives. Our first idiom of the week was sit on the fence. The idiom of the week for next week will be fly off the handle.

This trimester our writing focus will be on narrative writing. In the beginning we'll focus on getting ideas for stories to write and increasing the volume of our writing. As we move along in narrative writing we'll work on making the reader feel as though they are in our story by using dialogue and figurative language. 

On Monday, 10/2 we will begin a unit on place value, rounding, and addition and subtraction algorithms. This unit will lay the foundation for our future work of multiplying/dividing, and fractions/decimals. 

Fall conferences will take place on Wednesday, 10/11 after school and all day Thursday, 10/12. Please go to the website below to sign up for a conference.

Seesaw is a new communication tool we have rolled out in our class. With this tool, parents are able to view and comment on student work. Below are the instructions on how to sign up for this helpful resource.
  1. Click on this link:
  2. Choose your child from the list
  3. Create your account
  4. Once I approve you, you can see content from your child
After you sign up, download the free Seesaw Family app and sign in. You can also access Seesaw from a computer at
Upcoming Dates
  • Tuesday, October 3rd - Reading Log Due/Vocab Test 
  • Wednesday, October 4th - Early Release 1:35
  • Thursday, October 5th - Track Trot
  • Wednesday, October 11th - Conferences 3:30-7:30
  • Thursday, October 12th - No School Conferences All Day
  • Friday, October 13th - No School

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