The Week Ahead 12/18-12/20

Next week will be short as Winter Break will begin on Thursday, 12/21.

On Monday, 12/18 students will begin writing an informational paper on their migration topic. They will use their research notes and an outline that we have been working on in class to write their best paper. They will have two 60 minute sessions to finish their paper. All of the work on these papers will be done in class on Monday and Tuesday. Have your student tell you what three subtopics they will include in their paper.

Last week we began our study of division. So far students have learned to divide using the standard algorithm and a place value chart. Ask them to tell you what Dracula Must Suck Blood has to do with division. We've been checking our division answers by multiplying the quotient and the divisor and adding the remainder, if there is one. Next week we will learn how to use an area model to solve a division problem.

Students will turn in their reading logs on Tuesday, 12/19. There will be no reading log sent home over Winter Break. In addition to the reading logs, students will take their vocabulary test on Latin roots on Tuesday, 12/19. Similar to reading logs, there will be no vocabulary assigned over the break.

Idiom of the week: shake a leg

Winter Party
The class Winter Party will be on Wednesday, 12/20 from 12:30-1:30. 
Upcoming Dates
  • Tuesday, December 19th - Reading Log Due/Vocab Test
  • Wednesday, December 20th - Winter Party - 12:30-1:30
  • December 21st - January 3rd - No School - Winter Break

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