The Week Ahead 12/4-12/8

Students will turn in their weekly reading log on Tuesday, 12/5. They will also take their vocabulary test on nonfiction text features that day as well. Our reading time is now divided into two sections, for the first half students will be reading nonfiction texts and during the second half they can read the genre of their choice. On Tuesday, each student will get a historical fiction book that is set during the migration they are studying for our inquiry unit. Check in with your student and have them tell you about their book. 

Idiom of the week: a drop in the bucket
Next week we will begin working on division. The students who have the most success during this multiplication and division unit are the ones who have their math facts down. It's difficult to work on long division story problems if you have to use a lot of brain power to determine how many times 4 can go into 21 without going over. There are all kinds of apps, and of course, good old flashcards, that can help students improve their fact fluency.

Each student has selected the migration that they will be studying. Last week we covered some safe search sites the students can use to research their topic. Next week students will begin researching their topic. A large part of our day will be devoted to working on our migration inquiry unit, as we will be reading about our topics during reading and writing about our topics during writing.

Wooden Nickel Party 
The class earned their tenth wooden nickel for good behavior, which means they got to choose their reward. They decided that they wanted to have a read-in/wear PJ's day. That day will be on Friday, 12/8.

Upcoming Dates
  • Tuesday, December 5th - Reading Log Due/Vocab Test - Wonder Viewing 4:30
  • Wednesday, December 6th - Early Release 1:35
  • Friday, December 8th - Class Read-in/PJ Party
  • Wednesday, December 20th - Winter Party 12:30-1:30
  • December 21st - January 3rd - No School Winter Break

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