The Week Ahead 5/29-6/1

Students will continue working with measurement. They will be given problems involving time, capacity, and distance. An example of the type of problem they are working on is, it took 5 minutes 23 seconds for Bob's oven to preheat to 350 degrees. That was 28 seconds faster than it took Becky's oven to preheat to 350 degrees. How much total time did it take for the two ovens to reach 350 degrees?

Students continue to read in their book groups. When each group completes their next book, each member is responsible for creating some sort of response project. Possibilities include but are not limited to creating a new book jacket for the book, making a wanted poster about one of the characters, or making a design for a t-shirt about the book. Ask your student when they will finish their current book and what response they are planning on completing when they are done. 

Idiom of the week: icing on the cake

Field Trip
To further our study of natural resources, we will be taking a field trip to the Cedar Mill Wetlands on Tuesday, June 12th. Last week students were sent home with permission slips for the trip. If you haven't sent the permission slip for your student back, please do so next week. Also, there is still room for more volunteers to take students through the stations on the trip. In order to volunteer you will need to come to the information meeting at the site on Friday, 6/8 from 3:30 to about 3:50. Also you need to have a completed background check done through the office and be able to meet us at the field trip site at 9:30 on June 12th. We will be at the site until about 11:10. 
Continent Club
The next continent club check day will be Wednesday, May 30th. The area of the world in focus will be the Middle East. Study materials can be found at the link below.

Upcoming Dates
  • Monday, May 28th - No School - Memorial Day
  • Tuesday, May 29th - Reading Logs Due/Vocab Test 
  • Wednesday, May 30th - Continent Club - Middle East
  • Friday, June 8th - Wetlands Field Trip Chaperone Meeting 3:30
  • Tuesday, June 12th - Field Trip to Cedar Mill Wetlands
  • Thursday, June 14th - Field Day

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