The Week Ahead 5/7-5/11

Next week students will begin book groups. Each student will be placed with a group of peers. Each group will get to select the book they want to read. In addition, they will be determining how many pages each member of the group will read each day. Ask your student what book their group is reading after school on Monday. 
Idiom of the week: a gray area

Our math focus will shift from decimals to geometry. Students will learn how to draw and measure angles and find unknown angles by using given angle measures. In addition they will learn how to identify different types of angles, triangles, and quadrilaterals.

As we come to the end of our inquiry unit with the central idea that people use scientific knowledge to respond to a changing Earth, students are preparing to film their video on their natural disaster. So far they have made a storyboard that outlines their video. The next step is to write a script of what each child will say in the video. The rest of the time will be spent rehearsing in preparation for the filming. After everyone has filmed their video we will have a watch party and watch all of the videos together as a fourth grade team. 

Upcoming Dates
  • Tuesday, May 8th - Reading Log/Vocab Test
  • Wednesday, May 9th - State Testing - ELA PT 
  • Thursday, May 10th - State Testing - ELA PT
  • Friday, May 11th - State Testing - ELA PT
  • Friday, May 18th - School Carnival 5 pm-8 pm
  • Monday, May 28th - No School - Memorial Day
  • Wednesday, May 30th - Continent Club - Middle East

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