The Week Ahead 9/17-9/21

The first reading log of the year will be due Tuesday, 9/18. Students are expected to read a minimum of three hours outside of school each week. In addition to the reading logs, students will take their first vocabulary test on Tuesday. A paper copy of the words was sent home, but the words can also be access on quizlet. We have just started our Interpreting Characters reading unit. During this unit all of the students will be reading realistic fiction texts at their just right level. By the end of the week each child will have a reading goal that they are focusing on. Ask your student what their reading goal is.

Our writing is closely tied to our reading, as we are working on writing realistic fiction stories. So far students have used strategies we've learned for coming up with ideas for realistic fiction to begin drafting stories of their own. On Wednesdays we will be setting our realistic fiction aside and students can work on crafting any piece of writing they want.

Last week we introduced some online resources we will be using in class that students are also able to use at home. The resources were Prodigy, Zearn, and Dreambox. Some of the students said they have personal accounts on these websites and asked if they could use those. Please have your student use their school account instead of personal accounts. This way I am able to monitor their progress.

Our inquiry under the theme of who we are will be focused on values. Students were asked to talk to their family about values they have and bring in a picture that represents that value. We started sharing our family values and will continue to do this next week. If your student hasn't brought their values homework back to school, please have them bring it on Monday. Later in the week we'll look at some children around the world who have done some incredible things and discuss the values that were behind their actions.

Weekly Volunteering
Thank you to those who expressed interested in volunteering during either math or reading weekly. I will be reaching out to you next week to try to organize a schedule.

Upcoming Dates
  • Tuesday, September 18th - Reading Log Due/Vocab Test
  • Tuesday, September 25th - All Star Fun Run

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