The Week Ahead 9/24-9/28

We will continue working on place value next week. An understanding of place value is so important for having success with the math will be working on throughout the year. Students will begin using place value to compare numbers and identify whether they are greater than, less than, or equal to each other.

Next week we will begin looking closely at characters in our stories. By Tuesday, every student will have a reading goal that they are working on while they read their realistic fiction book. Ask your student what their reading goal is. Please let you student read any genre they want for their 3 hours of out of school reading. The next reading log will be due on Tuesday, 9/25. 

Students are making progress on their narrative writing. Last week we spent time developing the characters in our stories. Students were encouraged to think about the wants/motivations, worries, treasures, and rituals of their character. Have your child tell you about a character they've created.

Our inquiry into who we are will shift from looking into values to looking into culture and community. We'll introduce an iceberg as a metaphor for culture and give students a chance to identify which parts of culture they think are above of the surface like the tip of an iceberg and which parts are below the surface.

Upcoming Dates 
  • Tuesday, September 25th - All Star Fun Run
  • Tuesday, September 25th - Reading Log Due/Vocab Test

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