The Week Ahead 1/22-1/25

There will be no school on Monday, 1/21 in observance of MLK Day.

How the World Works
Our big focus next week will be wrapping up our how the world works inquiry unit. Last week students wrote an informational paper about their natural disaster. We will not be spending anymore time in class working on these papers. Check in with your student and ask if they need to finish their paper at home.

Next week students will work in a group to create a PSA about their natural disaster. We use a green screen so students are able to make the videos have all kinds of interesting backgrounds. A chunk of time will be devoted in the morning and afternoon to work on preparing these videos. First the groups will write a script that outlines what everyone will say, then they get a chance to select backgrounds. We will be filming on Thursday. Make sure your student doesn't wear green or blue on filming day!

Idiom of the week: cat got your tongue?
Continent Club
The next Continent Club check day is Thursday, 1/24. The continent of focus is North America. The study materials can be accessed here.

Scholastic Book Order 
The next Scholastic book order will be submitted on Friday, 2/1. You can order online here.
Our class code is DKQ9P.

Upcoming Dates
  • Monday, January 21st - No School - MLK Day
  • Tuesday, January 22nd - Reading Log Due/Vocabulary Test
  • Thursday, January 24th - Continent Club Check 
  • Monday, January 28th - No School - Grading Day
  • Friday, February 1st - Scholastic Book Order Due

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