The Week Ahead 1/28-2/1

Grading Day
There will be no school for students on Monday, 1/28. It is a teacher grading day.

Last week we finished our how the world works inquiry unit with the filming of our videos. All of the 4th grade classes will get together for a watch party on Wednesday to share their great work! Next week we'll begin our how we organize ourselves inquiry unit. The central idea of this unit is community values influence leaders and impact decision making. We will be exploring this central idea by studying the state of Oregon government.

Next week we will begin our fractions unit. We will start by learning how to demonstrate fraction equivalence. Then we will begin comparing fractions. Prodigy is a great way for your student to practice math at home. Here is the link to sign in. 

Idiom of the week: piece of cake

Scholastic Book Order 
The next Scholastic book order will be submitted on Friday, 2/1. You can order online here.
Our class code is DKQ9P

Auction Basket 
The West TV PTC Auction will take place on March 9th. Close to 50% of PTC funds come from the auction. Please consider donating items to our class basket that will be auctioned off. Our theme is #1 fan. Some suggested items include anything Oregon sports related like tickets or gear for the Oregon Ducks, Oregon State Beavers, Trailblazers, Timbers, Thorns, Winterhawks, Hillsboro Hops, Portland Pickles, Portland State Vikings, U of P Pilots etc...Donated items are tax deductible and can be dropped off in the office. 

Upcoming Dates 
  • Monday, January 28th - No School - Teacher Grading Day
  • Tuesday, January 29th - Reading Log Due/Vocabulary Test
  • Friday, February 1st - Scholastic Book Order Due
  • Monday, February 4th - Reports Cards Sent Home
  • Thursday, February 14th - Valentine's Day Party 2-3

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