The Week Ahead 9/16 - 9/20

It was great to see everyone who made it to Back to School Night last Thursday! I hope you left with an understanding of the curriculum and expectations for 4th grade.

Reading Log
This Tuesday students will be sent home with their first reading log. Students have the expectation to read three hours outside of school each week. Reading logs will be turned in each Tuesday, and a new one will be going home as well.

In addition to the reading log, students will be sent home with vocabulary words each Tuesday. They will be quizzed on the words the following Tuesday. We spend time in class learning about the words, so it is up to the student to decide whether or not they need to spend time studying them at home as well.

Our first inquiry unit of the year is under the theme of Who We Are. The central idea of the unit is that people bring their cultural and personal beliefs to a community of learners. So far students have started thinking about their values. They'll be sent home with a values assignment, in which they are  asked to talk with members of their family and determine a value of the family. 

Fun Run
The school Fun Run will take place on Tuesday, 9/24. Our class will be running from 8:30-9:15. Please make sure your student has appropriate shoes for running and a water bottle.

Upcoming Dates
Tuesday, September 17th - Reading Log/Vocabulary sent home
Tuesday, September 24th - Fun Run
Friday, October 11th - No School - Staff Development
Tuesday, October 15th - Picture Day

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