The Week Ahead 9/30-10/4

We made it through our first week at Timberland! I appreciate the flexibility and understanding of everyone as we do our best to get settled in.
Weekly Homework 
With all of the changes going on, we gave the students a bit of a break on their homework last week. This week we will begin the usual routine of turning in reading logs on Tuesday and getting the new reading logs too. Students will also take their vocabulary test and then get new words to study for next Tuesday. 

We just finished a short math inquiry that focused on mathematical patterns and multiplication strategies. Hopefully you had a chance to see the story problem that was completed on Seesaw. Our next focus will be on place value. Students will be comparing numbers, using addition and subtraction to solve multi-step story problems, and use rounding to assess the reasonableness of their answers.

Next week we will begin our realistic fiction unit. All students will be reading a realistic fiction book at their level. I am currently reading a wonderful book called Wonder, by R.J. Palacio as our mentor text. Each day we will have a brief mini lesson and then students will do the thinking we discuss in our mini less while they are reading their book. I attempted to bring as many realistic fiction books from our old building to Timberland, but we do have less books to choose from in our class library. Please consider taking your child to the library if they need a book to read.

On Friday, students shared their values homework. It was great to see everyone get in front of the class and tell us what is important to them. We will continue our inquiry with the central idea that people bring their cultural and personal beliefs to a community of learners. So far we have talked about values and culture. Next week we will focus on communities that we are part of.

Fun Run
Below is information about the All Star Fun Run from the coordinator.

 Hi Families! We are less than a week away from the All Star Fun Run. The kids are excited to run, to raise money for the school and (above all else) earn a class party!

The PTC has talked a lot about how the Fun Run fundraising impacts our students. As someone who interacts with them on a daily basis, I’d like to reiterate the importance of the funds raised. Our classroom learning is enhanced by the incredible programs this money funds including: field trips, All Star Reading Club, Oregon Battle of the Books, the 5th grade send off, Continent Club, Art Literacy, classroom parties and much more.

We’re pushing hard to get closer to our fundraising goal by Monday. And to motivate the kids, we have added another class party opportunity. Each classroom is competing for a party based on class fundraising participation (either via or Pledge forms). By Monday morning, the class with the most participants will win a party. It’s no surprise that our class would LOVE to win. Help them get there!

Here’s what you can do:

1.     Use the Pledge Star website to register your student and send an email to a handful of family, friends or neighbors.
2.     Use the pledge sheet from the Fun Run Packet to collect pledges and support from family and neighbors. Return the pledge form (and checks) to the front office.

Thank you for the support!!
Upcoming Dates
  • Tuesday, October 1st - Fun Run - Reading Log Due/Vocab Test
  • Friday, October 11th - No School - Staff Development
  • Tuesday, October 15th - Picture Day

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