The Week Ahead 10/21-10/25

Fall conferences will take place Wednesday, 11/6 in the evening and Thursday, 11/7 from 8am-8pm. You should have received an email from the office with a link to sign up for a time to meet. If you haven't signed up, please go to the link below and select a time that works for you. I look forward to sitting down and talking about your student with you.

Now that we have studied figurative language students are noticing it in books they are reading, songs on the radio, TV shows they are watching, and conversations. On Monday, we will have our first idiom of the week. This is a fun way to help students further explore figurative language. Have your student tell you what the idiom of the week is each week. In class students are encouraged to include figurative language in their writing in order to give the reader a chance to feel like they are present in their story. Ask your student to tell you an example of figurative language they've used in one of their stories. 

Idiom of the week: throw under the bus

We're nearing the end of our place value unit. Students will put all of the skills we've worked on together to solve challenging multi-step word problems. For example, they'll use addition and subtraction to solve a problem and use rounding to solve the problem again and determine whether their answer was reasonable or not. You are doing a great job of connecting with your students on Seesaw! We know that learners need to know what they are doing well and what they need to work on next to improve. Your feedback on Seesaw is a great way to help your student grow in math. Keep up the great work!

Our inquiry under the theme of How We Organize Ourselves with the central idea that people innovate using creativity and knowledge of energy will continue next week. We are using the acronym MELTS for the five forms of energy we will focus on. They are mechanical, electrical, light, thermal, and sound. Next week we'll spend a day on each form of energy to further our understanding of them.

Book Order
Students were sent home with Scholastic book orders. I plan on sending three orders home this year, one in fall, winter, and spring. If you are interested in ordering books for your student go here. Our class code is DKQ9P. I will be submitting the orders on 10/31. Any points that I earn will be used to purchase classroom books for our classroom library.  

Upcoming Dates 
  • Tuesday, October 22nd - Reading Log Due/Vocabulary Test
  • Thursday, October 31st - Halloween Party 1:30-2:30 - Scholastic Orders Due
  • Friday, November 1st - No School - Grading Day 
  •  Wednesday, November 6th - Conferences 3-8
  • Thursday, November 7th - Conferences 8am - 8pm
  • Monday, November 11th - No School - Veterans Day

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