The Week Ahead 10/28-11/1

Last Week at Timberland
Next week is scheduled to be our final week at Timberland! It's a beautiful building, but I'm looking forward to getting back to our space at West TV. We'll have a sink in our room, restrooms a one minute walk away, and lunch and specials will be at the same time everyday!

We've completed our place value unit. Our next unit covers metric measurement. Students will work with liters, grams and meters. They'll need to know the prefixes milli, centi, and kilo. Keep up with the progress of your student by taking a look at their Seesaw activities.

Two of our big focuses in our current realistic fiction unit are developing ideas about characters and determining the theme or life lesson that can be learned from our books. Next week students will complete a Seesaw activity to show their progress in those two areas. On Monday, they'll be given a passage and asked to use evidence from the text to describe one of the characters. Wednesday, they'll be asked to determine a theme or life lesson that could be learned from the same passage. The main thing I'll be looking for when I read student responses is if that they provide evidence from the text to support their answers.

The final draft of our narrative papers will be due on Thursday, 10/31. The students were given five hours in class last week to work on their paper and they will be given four hours next week. If they don't think they can complete their paper with the amount of time left, they are expected to work on it at home. We will not spend anymore time in class working on the papers after the 31st. 

Idiom of the week: playing with fire

How We Express Ourselves
Now that students have learned about all of the types of energy that make up the acronym MELTS, they are going to use their knowledge to create a card that lights up. Last Friday they started working on a design for their card. Next week they'll finalize their cards and create a circuit on the back to turn on a light. Ask your student what they decided to put on the front of their card.

Scholastic Book Orders
If you are interested in ordering books from our fall Scholastic book order go here. Our class code is DKQ9P. The orders will be submitted on 10/31. All of the teacher points I earn will be used to purchase books for our classroom library.
Halloween Party
Our class Halloween party will take place on Thursday, 10/31 from 1:30-2:30. Thank you to all of the parents who have been working together to plan the party! Students are allowed to bring their Halloween costumes to school on Halloween. However, there are a few guidelines. The costumes will be put on after lunch, students can't wear masks that cover faces, or have weapons. One final thing to keep in mind is that students need to be able to put their costume on by themselves.

Fall conferences will take place Wednesday, 11/6 in the evening and Thursday, 11/7 from 8am-8pm. If you haven't signed up yet, please go to the link below and select a time that works for you. I look forward to sitting down and talking about your student with you.

Upcoming Dates
  • Tuesday, October 29th - Reading Log Due/Vocabulary Test
  • Thursday, October 31st - Halloween Party 1:30-2:30 - Scholastic Book Order Due - Narrative Paper Due
  • Friday, November 1st - No School - Grading Day
  • Wednesday, November 6th - Conferences 3-8
  • Thursday, November 7th - No School - Conferences 8am-8pm 
  • Friday, November 8th - No School  
  • Monday, November 11th - No School - Veterans Day 

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