The Week Ahead 12/16-12/20

How the World Works
To further our understanding of our how the world works central idea, which is, people use scientific knowledge to respond to a changing Earth, we will have two days with guests next week! On Monday, 12/16 a representative from the Red Cross Pillowcase Project will join our class to talk about being prepared for natural disasters. Then on Thursday, 12/19 we will have an expert panel of community members visiting our school.
  • Andrew Phelps - Director of the Oregon Office of Emergency Management
  • Mike Mumaw - Emergency Manager City of Beaverton
  • Paul Jewell - Emergency Coordinator Beaverton School District
  • Scarlet Valentine - Principal West TV
This panel will give the students a chance to speak with leaders from their school, school district, city and state communities and see the work they do to prepare for natural disasters.

Last week students learned what makes a number prime or composite. Have your child tell you the difference between the two. Next week we'll wrap up our unit on number patterns, structures, and functions. When we return from winter break we'll dive deeper into our study of multiplication and division. 

Students will turn in reading logs and have a vocabulary test on Tuesday, 12/17, but they won't be sent with a new reading log or vocabulary list. We'll continue our weekly routine of reading logs and vocabulary words when we return from winter break. 

Idiom of the week: cost an arm and a leg

Upcoming Dates
  • Monday, December 16th - Visit from Red Cross Pillowcase Project
  • Tuesday, December 17th - Reading Log Due/Vocab Test
  • Thursday, December 19th - Natural Disaster Expert Panel
  • Friday, December 20th - Class Winter Party
  • December 23rd - January 3rd - No School - Winter Break
  • Monday, January 6th - 1st Day Back from Break
  • Friday, January 10th - Decade Day

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