The Week Ahead 12/9-12/13

How the World Works
Our inquiry unit with the central idea that people use scientific knowledge to respond to a changing Earth is off and running. This week students learned about tectonic plates and how their movement can cause earthquakes. Next week we'll study volcanoes, landslides, and wildfires. 

Students have learned that knowledge of text structures can help readers determine the main ideas and supporting details from nonfiction text. The structures we have studied are chronological, problem/solution, cause and effect, compare/contrast, and description. Ask your student to tell you about the different text structures we've studied. Another way you can support your student in their nonfiction reading is to highlight everyday examples. Whether it's reading recipes, instructions on assembling furniture, street signs, or the back of cereal boxes.

Idiom of the week: sit on the fence

To get started with our multiplication and division unit we've been working on creating divisibility rules for numbers. So far students have created rules for numbers 1-5. Have them tell you how they can determine whether a number will be divisible by one of those numbers. Next week we'll work on creating rules for 6-10 and that will lead us to studying prime and composite numbers. 

 Upcoming Dates
  • Tuesday, December 10th - Reading Log Due/Vocabulary Test
  • Friday, December 20th - Class Winter Party
  • December 23rd - January 3rd - No School - Winter Break

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