The Week Ahead 5/4-5/8

I was looking through my plan book today and realized that we only have six weeks left in this school year! This group of students has been such a joy to work with each day, I'm going to have to make sure to enjoy our last six weeks together.

On Monday students will be assigned reading logs and instead of a spelling packet they will be given a math extension activity. The reading log will be due the following Monday, 5/11. The math extension activity will be due on Monday, May 18th.

The students had a blast meeting Mark at his first artist visit last Thursday. They were disappointed to hear they wouldn't get to see him again until next Monday. In addition to Monday, Mark will be joining the class on Tuesday and Wednesday, teaching the students about collage.

In math we will be finishing module 6 this week. On Monday we will cover the final lesson. Tuesday will be a review day and Wednesday will be the test day. Expect your child to bring their scored test home late in the week.

Next week we will begin a social studies unit on government. This unit will focus on state government and how laws are passed.

Upcoming Dates
  • Monday, May 4th - Artist Visit
  • Tuesday, May 5th - Artist Visit
  • Wednesday, May 6th - Artist Visit
  • Friday, May 8th - Buddies
  • Monday, May 11th - Reading Log Due
  • Monday, May 18th - Math Extension Activity Due
  • Friday, May 15th - School Carnival
  • Friday, May 22nd - No School - Grading Day
  • Monday, May 25th - No School - Memorial Day

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