The Week Ahead 5/26-5/29

There will be no school on Monday, 5/25 in observance of Memorial Day.

During these last three weeks of school there will be a lot going on! We have plenty of curriculum to cover, a field trip, and end of the year assessments to measure student growth. In an effort to keep some sanity I will not be assigning reading logs and spelling packets again this year. Students will still be expected to complete their math assignment each day.

Our class field trip to the Capitol Building in Salem will be on Wednesday, 5/27! We will be leaving the school at 9:15 and returning at 1:30. If you will be joining us as a chaperone, please arrive at the school by 8:45. This will give us a chance to organize groups and go over expectations. Based on the returned permission slips, it appears that no students have ordered a school lunch for the day of the trip.

The math extension activity books have been graded. Students will be coming home with them on Tuesday. Unfortunately, I spilt some tea on a large number of the books. It's clear the students worked hard on their books and I'm sorry to have damaged some of them. The proficiency range for the assignment is below:

14-15 = High Proficient
12-13 = Proficient
10-11 = Nearly Proficient
0-9 = Developing

Our math daily lessons have been on converting units. Some of the units students have been converting between include: pounds to ounces, yards to feet and inches, gallons to quarts, pints, cups and ounces, hours to minutes and seconds. Next week we will continue to work on converting units, but have the added difficulty of working with mixed numbers instead of whole numbers.

Upcoming Dates
  • Monday, May 25th - No School - Memorial Day
  • Wednesday, May 27th - Field Trip to Capitol Building. Depart at 9:15, Return at 1:30
  • Thursday, May 28th - Play Assembly 1:45
  • Tuesday, June 2nd - Field Day
  • Wednesday, June 3rd - Field Day (rain date)
  • Thursday, June 4th - Hawaiian Day - Wear Tropical Colors
  • Wednesday, June 10th - Buddies
  • Friday, June 12th - Last Day of School

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