The Week Ahead 6/1-6/5

Hopefully your student told you all about our field trip to the State Capitol Building in Salem last week. Make sure to take a look at the previous blog post for pictures from the trip. Thanks again to all of the chaperones that volunteered their time to make the trip possible!

Next week in math we will be finishing Module 7. It looks like we should be taking the End of Module Assessment on Wednesday. On Tuesday students will take a practice test that covers all of the material from the module. You can help your child prepare for their test by going over their practice test with them on Tuesday evening. Expect your student to bring home their scored test on Thursday.

Each child will be coming home today with their final multiplication fact fluency test. In red ink you will see the number of correct problems they answered in 4 minutes. In black ink you will see the number of problems they correctly answered on this same test during the first week of school. The students should be proud of the great growth they made with their multiplication facts! Below is the proficiency levels for the 4 minute fact fluency test.

90 and above = Highly Proficient
80-89 = Proficient
70-79 = Nearly Proficient
0-69 = Developing

Students are in the middle of crafting their final writing sample of the year. They have been instructed to choose one of the three genres of writing that we have focused on this year narrative, informative, or persuasive, and write a piece that demonstrates everything they have learned this year in writing. I will not be giving any assistance in the revising or editing process, so this will be a true indicator of each students writing proficiency.

Field Day is scheduled for Tuesday, June 2nd. Our class will be participating from 1:00-2:20. The students will be outside so please make sure they wear appropriate clothes and sunscreen. Students are also encouraged to bring water bottles. In the event that the weather does not cooperate, Wednesday, June 3rd will be the make up day.

Thursday, June 4th is Hawaiian day. Remind your student to wear tropical colors.

Upcoming Dates
  • Tuesday, June 2nd - Field Day
  • Wednesday, June 3rd - Field Day (rain date)
  • Thursday, June 4th - Hawaiian Day - Wear Tropical Colors
  • Wednesday, June 10th - Buddies
  • Friday, June 12th - Last Day of School
  • Monday, June 15th - Report Cards Mailed Home

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