The Week Ahead 2/13-2/17

As a 4th grader, it is very important to read a high volume of books. There is nothing that improves a reader better than time spent reading. Studies have shown that at this age students should be reading about a book a week. Many of the students thought this sounded impossible, but when we added up the number of minutes they read each week in school (40 min x 5 days = 200 min), and the minimum number of minutes they are expected to read outside of school each week (120 min), they should all be reading at least 320 minutes a week. Reading fluency varies for each person, but studies show that a 4th grader reading a book at their just right level, should read about 3/4 of a page a minute. This means that they should be able to read around 240 pages a week, if they do the minimal amount of expected reading.

I challenged the class to read an average of one book a week for the next seven weeks. That would mean that as a class of 22 students, we need to read a total of 154 books before spring break. The students are responsible for documenting the books they complete and the date they complete them in their reading notebook. Many of the students have made individual goals for themselves to read even more than a book a week! If the class reaches the 154 books read goal, they will get a class party. Ask your student how many books they are planning on reading over the next seven weeks.

Idiom of the week: in the doghouse

Students were sent home with government vocabulary words last week. They will be taking the test on the words on Tuesday, 2/14. 

Next week we will reach the halfway point in our module on fractions. We will be taking the mid module assessment on Thursday, 2/16. You can help your student prepare for the test by going over the practice test with them on Wednesday evening. 

Field Trip
Our field trip to the State Capitol Building will take place on Tuesday, 2/21. If you volunteered to chaperone, you should have received an email from me letting you know whether your name was one of the six drawn.

Valentine's Day
The class Valentine's Day party will be on Tuesday, 2/14. Last week students were sent home with a class list. If students choose to bring in valentines they must bring one for everyone in the class. Also, if the valentines have a treat with them, the treat must be store bought. Nothing homemade will be allowed.

Upcoming Dates
  • Monday, February 13th - Field Trip Permission Slips Due
  • Tuesday, February 14th - VDay Party 2-3/Vocab Test
  • Monday, February 20th - No School - President's Day
  • Tuesday February 21st - Field Trip to State Capitol Building
  • Wednesday, February 22nd - Continent Club

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