The Week Ahead 2/21-2/24
There will be no school on Monday, 2/20 in observance of President's Day.
Field Trip
Our field trip to the state capitol building will be on Tuesday, 2/21. We will be taking a tour of the capitol building and then we will get to meet with Governor Brown for a little bit! Please make sure your student arrives at school on time the morning of the trip. If you are chaperoning we would like you to arrive at the school by 8:45. This will give us time to review expectations and place students in their groups.
Students are expected to read a minimum of 2 hours outside of school each week. They should be recording their out of school reading on a reading log and turning it in each Tuesday. Check in with your student on how they are doing with their reading log.
Idiom of the week: see eye to eye
Students will be coming home with their scored mid module fractions test on Friday, 2/17. Go over the test with your student and see if there is anything they need more practice with.
Continent Club
The next Continent Club check day is Wednesday, 2/22. The continents getting checked will be SE Asia & Oceania. The study materials can be downloaded from the West TV PTC website
Jump Rope for Heart
Packets for Jump Rope for Heart are due Tuesday, 2/21.
Trout Eggs
We will begin studying water quality in the spring. As a primer to our unit, the 4th grade classes are raising trout eggs in the modular. Each class is monitoring the tank daily and recording egg mortality and tank temperature. We will be taking a field trip to Commonwealth Lake on Tuesday, March 21st to release the trout.
Upcoming Dates
There will be no school on Monday, 2/20 in observance of President's Day.
Field Trip
Our field trip to the state capitol building will be on Tuesday, 2/21. We will be taking a tour of the capitol building and then we will get to meet with Governor Brown for a little bit! Please make sure your student arrives at school on time the morning of the trip. If you are chaperoning we would like you to arrive at the school by 8:45. This will give us time to review expectations and place students in their groups.
Students are expected to read a minimum of 2 hours outside of school each week. They should be recording their out of school reading on a reading log and turning it in each Tuesday. Check in with your student on how they are doing with their reading log.
Idiom of the week: see eye to eye
Students will be coming home with their scored mid module fractions test on Friday, 2/17. Go over the test with your student and see if there is anything they need more practice with.
Continent Club
The next Continent Club check day is Wednesday, 2/22. The continents getting checked will be SE Asia & Oceania. The study materials can be downloaded from the West TV PTC website
Jump Rope for Heart
Packets for Jump Rope for Heart are due Tuesday, 2/21.
Trout Eggs
We will begin studying water quality in the spring. As a primer to our unit, the 4th grade classes are raising trout eggs in the modular. Each class is monitoring the tank daily and recording egg mortality and tank temperature. We will be taking a field trip to Commonwealth Lake on Tuesday, March 21st to release the trout.
Upcoming Dates
- Monday, February 20th - No School - President's Day
- Tuesday, February 21st - Field Trip to State Capitol Building/Jump Rope for Heart Packets Due
- Wednesday, February 22nd - Continent Club
- Tuesday, March 21st - Releasing Trout to Commonwealth Lake