The Week Ahead 2/27-3/3

Our new inquiry unit has the central idea that community values influence leaders and impact decision making. We had great classroom discussions about values and rules that people have in their homes. We also studied the Oregon Bottle Bill from 1971 and analyzed what problems led to the bill, what the solutions to the problems were, and how values impacted the decisions the leaders made. Next week we will be visited by Louise Wilmes. She is the American Indian Education Teacher on Special Assignment in our district. She will be talking to the students about the values of Native Americans and how decisions are made within their sovereign communities.  

Next week we will continue our study of fractions by learning how to convert back and forth between improper and mixed numbers. We'll also add begin adding and subtracting mixed numbers. This will lead us to adding a mixed number and an improper fraction.

Each student has set a goal for a number of books to read before Spring Break. Ask your student how their progress is going. Also, they are expected to record a minimum of 2 hours outside of school reading each week. The reading logs are due on Tuesdays. There are no vocabulary words that will be tested on Tuesday, 2/28, but students will get a new set of words to be tested the following Tuesday.

Idiom of the week: out of the blue

 Scholastic Book Orders
Students were sent home with Scholastic book orders on Friday. If they want to order any books they need to submit their order by Tuesday, 2/28. The easiest way to order is online at Our class code is DKQ9P. We earn class points for books that are ordered, all points are used to purchase more books for our classroom library.

Science Fair
Students were sent home with science fair entry forms. The fair will take place on 3/23 from 5:30-7:30. Entry forms are due on Friday, 3/3. 

Upcoming Dates
  • Tuesday, February 28th - Reading Log Due - Scholastic Book Orders Due
  • Friday, March 3rd - Spirit Day - College Day/Science Fair Entry Forms Due
  • Tuesday, March 21st - Releasing Trout to Commonwealth Lake
  • Thursday, March 23rd - Science Night - 5:30-7:30

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