The Week Ahead 6/12-6/16

I can't believe we are down to the final two weeks of the school year. I have really enjoyed working with the students in this class! Hopefully we'll have a great last two weeks together.

Watershed Field Trip
I hope you have had a chance to look at the pictures from our field trip to our local watershed last Thursday. Initially, I was concerned about the weather, but we may have ended up with the best weather of the week. Thank you so much to the chaperones who made the trip possible!

We completed our final math module last Friday. Our final two weeks of math will give students a chance to do some inquiry problem solving, coding, and games.

Lego WeDo 
On Tuesday, 6/13 and Thursday, 6/15 we will be visited by an Innovation Strategist from the District who will lead the class in robotics lessons using Lego WeDo. Have your student tell you about what they make on Thursday.

Field Day
West TV Field Day will be on Wednesday, June 14th. Fourth grade will participate from 12:50-2:20. Please make sure your student is dressed appropriately for the day. They will need tennis shoes, a water bottle, and sunscreen if it will be sunny. There is still room for more parent volunteers. You can sign up at the following link.

Idiom of the week: have mixed feelings

Weekly Volunteers
Because we will be deviating from our typical schedule, I am asking weekly math and reading volunteers not to join us the last two weeks. Thank you for giving your time so generously to our class this year!

 Upcoming Dates
  • Monday, June 12th - School Talent Show
  • Tuesday, June 13th - Lego WeDo Lesson
  • Wednesday, June 14th - Field Day - 12:50-2:20
  • Thursday, June 15th - Lego WeDo Lesson
  • Thursday, June 22nd - Last Day of School

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