The Week Ahead 6/19-6/22

Next week will be the final week of the school year. It will be hard to say goodbye to this group of students, but I look forward to seeing them as the leaders of the school next year!

Next week students will finish up the field guide they are making on an animal found in our local watershed. Their final piece will be a watercolor painting of the animal and a paragraph of written information. Ask your student what animal they are working on for their project.

Idiom of the week : all good things must come to an end

Preventing Summer Slide
Parents have asked me what their child do to over the summer to prevent the academic summer slide. One recommendation I have is to give your child the expectation to read every day. Build in a half hour time of day in which they always read. Then, talk to them about what they are reading. Have them tell you about the characters and the problem in the story.

To help your student with their math, I recommend having them play an online game called Prodigy. We introduced it in the final weeks of the year and they absolutely love it! The game feels like a video game to the kids, but they are practicing math skills to advance in the game. The students can continue to access their accounts through the summer. The easiest way to log in is through the link on the websites page on our classroom website.

Health Lesson
On Friday, students came home with information about an upcoming health lesson. Please take a look at the information and let you know if you have any questions or concerns.

Report Cards
Trimester 3 report cards will be mailed home on Friday, 6/23.
Thank you for the great support from home this year! Have a great summer!

Upcoming Dates
  • Thursday, June 22nd - Last Day of School
  • Friday, June 23rd - Report Cards Mailed Home

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