The Week Ahead 6/5-6/9
Most of the groups have now finished their historical fiction book. Once they completed their book they had a written assignment to turn in. Groups that finished their first book then selected another book to begin reading. Ask your student which book they are reading now.
Idiom of the week: hold your horses
Next week we will wrap up our final math module of the year! Students will take their assessment on module 7 on Friday, 6/9. You can help your student prepare by making sure they are completing their daily homework and going over the practice materials they come home with on Thursday evening.
We are right in the middle of our inquiry into the structure and function of natural resources. The natural resource that we are focusing on for this inquiry is watersheds. Last week we spent time exploring what watersheds are and why they are important. On our field trip next week students will be collecting some data to determine whether a location watershed is healthy.
Field Trip
Upcoming Dates
Most of the groups have now finished their historical fiction book. Once they completed their book they had a written assignment to turn in. Groups that finished their first book then selected another book to begin reading. Ask your student which book they are reading now.
Idiom of the week: hold your horses
Next week we will wrap up our final math module of the year! Students will take their assessment on module 7 on Friday, 6/9. You can help your student prepare by making sure they are completing their daily homework and going over the practice materials they come home with on Thursday evening.
We are right in the middle of our inquiry into the structure and function of natural resources. The natural resource that we are focusing on for this inquiry is watersheds. Last week we spent time exploring what watersheds are and why they are important. On our field trip next week students will be collecting some data to determine whether a location watershed is healthy.
Field Trip
Thursday, 6/8 we will be taking a field trip to the Johnson Creek
Wetlands. This location is off Barnes Rd. just before NW 118th.
The students will be leaving West TV at 12:30 and we expect to arrive
at our destination within ten minutes. We will head back to the school
at 2:15 and expect to arrive back before 2:30.
this field trip students will be going to different stations to test
water quality, look for biodiversity, and make
observations. We are asking for at least eight volunteers to help at the
stations. So far our class has five. We will have volunteer training at the site of the field
trip, the Monday before the trip, 6/5 at 3:30. In order to volunteer you
will need to attend the training on 6/5, have a completed background
check through the office, and be able to provide your own transportation
to the field trip location. Please let me know if you are interested in
volunteering for this field trip.
Upcoming Dates
- Monday, June 5th - Field Trip Volunteer Training 3:30
- Tuesday, June 6th - Idiom Test
- Thursday, June 8th - Wetlands Field Trip 12:30-2:15
- Friday, June 9th - Math Assessment (Measurement)
- Monday, June 12th - School Talent Show
- Wednesday, June 14th - Field Day 12:50-2:20
- Thursday, June 22nd - Last Day of School