The Week Ahead 11/13-11/17

Students will come home on Monday, 11/13, with their math assessment that was taken last Thursday. Go over your student's test with them. Our next math unit will cover multiplication and division. Next week students will begin the unit by working on finding the area and perimeter of quadrilaterals.

Next week we will wrap up our reading unit that focuses on interpreting characters in realistic fiction texts. This unit teaches students how to go beyond just following the plot of the story and begin reading intensely to grow strong ideas about what they read. Our most recent lessons have been about finding the theme of our stories. Ask your student to tell you what they think the theme of their book is, make sure they support their idea with evidence from the text.

Idiom of the week: hit the road

Students are in the middle of revising and editing one of their narrative drafts. The final drafts will be typed and due on Friday, 11/17. Students will be given about 2 and a half hours of class time to work on their paper. If they won't be able to get their final draft done in that amount of time, they are expected work on it at home. Check in with your student and ask how their progress is going.

Last week we started our inquiry into migration by learning about the Corps of Discovery, led by Lewis and Clark. Next week we'll continue studying westward expansion, by focusing on the Oregon Trail.

Upcoming Dates
  • Monday, November 13th - Math Tests Come Home
  • Tuesday, November 14th - Reading Log Due/Vocab Test
  • Wednesday, November 15th - Early Release 1:35
  • Friday, November 17th - Narrative Final Drafts Due
  • November 22nd - November 24th - No School - Thanksgiving Break

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