The Week Ahead 11/20-11/21

The final drafts of our narrative papers were due on Friday, 11/17. We will not be spending anymore time in class on the papers, so if a student doesn't have their paper complete, they will need to finish it at home. Check in with your student to see if they turned their paper in on Friday.

Next week students will complete a post assessment on our Interpreting Characters unit. They will read a passage and answer four questions. The big focus in our unit has been reading intensely to grow big ideas about characters. To show proficiency on this assessment, students will need to support their ideas with evidence from the text.

Idiom of the week: cost an arm and a leg

We will continue our study of multiplication. Students have been practicing multiplying by 10, 100, and 1,000. Next week they will begin multiplying up to four digits by a single digit number. 

Our migration unit has gotten off to a strong start. So far students have learned about the Corps of Discovery, Trail of Tears, Oregon Trail, California Gold Rush, and Ellis Island. Next week they will be introduced to some migrations that took place in the 1900s. On Tuesday, 11/21 they will select their top 3 choices for which migration they want to do a research project on. They will find out which migration they are studying when they return from Thanksgiving Break.

Auction Invitations
Students will be coming home with invitations for the West TV Auction.

Continent Club
The next Continent Club check day will be Wednesday November 29th. Students will be studying SE Asia and Oceania. The study materials can be downloaded at this link

New Dictionaries
On Friday, each child was given their own personal dictionary. This was a gift from Beaverton Rotary. They came at the perfect moment, right as we were editing our narrative papers. Thank you Beaverton Rotary!

We will meet with our 1st grade buddies from Ms. Tichenor's class on Tuesday, 11/21. 

Upcoming Dates
  • November 21st - Reading Log Due/Vocab Test - Buddies
  • November 22nd - November 24th - No School - Thanksgiving Break
  • Wednesday, November 29th - Continent Club - SE Asia and Oceania
  • Tuesday, December 5th - Viewing of Wonder - Time TBD
  • December 21st - January 3rd - No School - Winter Break

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