The Week Ahead 11/27-12/1

I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving break. Because we only had two days of school last week the students were not given new vocabulary words. Instead they will be given new words tomorrow. Those words will be tested on Tuesday, 12/5.

In addition to not being assigned vocab words last week, students were also not assigned reading logs. There was an optional reading log that went home over the break. A new reading log will be sent home 11/28, it will be due the following Tuesday, 12/5. We will be shifting gears to a unit on nonfiction reading. This week students will work on an assessment to see what areas we need to focus on during our unit.

We will also begin a new writing unit this week. Our new unit will cover informational writing. Similar to reading, we will begin with a pretest to determine where we begin. We will be applying our informational writing skills in our migration inquiry unit.

On Monday, 11/27, students will find out which migration topic they will become an expert on. Each student selected their top three choices and I'm happy to say that each person got one of their top three requests! Ask your student which migration topic they will be studying.

Continent Club
The next Continent Club check day will be Wednesday November 29th. Students will be studying SE Asia and Oceania. The study materials can be downloaded at this link

Scholastic Book Order
Last week students were sent home with a Scholastic Book order. To make an order go to Our class code is DKQ9P. Any teacher points earned from family orders will be used to purchase books for our classroom library.

Upcoming Dates
  • Tuesday, November 28th - Reading Log Sent Home/New Vocab Words Sent Home
  • Wednesday, November 29th - Continent Club Check - Early Release 1:35
  • Thursday, November 30th - Scholastic Book Orders Due 
  • Tuesday, December 5th - Viewing of Wonder - Time TBD
  • December 21st - January 3rd - No School - Winter Break

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