The Week Ahead 10/15-10/19

One of the best ways you can support your child grow as a reader this year is to have them talk to you about their reading goal. Many of the students are beginning to post their reading goal on Seesaw, but even if your student hasn't posted their reading goal yet, you can still have them tell you what they are working on. 

Idiom of the week: jump the gun

Next week in math we will focus on using knowledge of rounding, place value, subtraction, and addition to solve multi-step story problems. Students will be expected to show all of their work, make a visual representation, and write their answer as a statement. Playing Prodigy is a great way to work on math skills at home. Also, the student who completes the most problems at home in each week gets on the Class Wall of Fame, which is a pretty big deal around here! Here is the link.

The final drafts of our narrative stories will be due on Tuesday, 10/23. Students will be working on revising and editing next week. They will be given about about 3 hours of class time to complete their final draft.

Our next inquiry unit will fall under the transdisciplinary theme of How We Express Ourselves. The central idea will be people innovate using creativity and knowledge of energy. To kickoff the unit we will have a school visit from SCRAP. They will give our students an introduction to creative reuse and lead them in an art project that they will make and keep. 

You may now sign up for fall conferences at the link below. If you are having difficulty using PTCFast and are unable to schedule a conference, please call the office at 503-356-2510. 

Upcoming Dates
  • Monday, October 15th - SCRAP Visit
  • Tuesday, October 16th - Reading Log Due/Vocab Test
  • Friday, October 19th - Place Value Math Assessment 
  • Tuesday, October 23rd - Narrative Final Drafts Due 


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