The Week Ahead 10/29-11/2

It was great meeting with everyone at conferences! I hope you left with a clear picture of where your student is as a learner and what they can do to continue to grow.

Now that we have completed our first unit of the year we will be moving on to multiplication and division. To be successful in this unit students will need to have a strong understanding of place value and know their multiplication facts. In this unit we will work up to multiplying one digit by up to four digit numbers and also two digit by two digit numbers. We will also begin long division and work up to a single digit divisor and a four digit dividend.

Students continue to have the expectation of reading three hours outside of school each week. Reading logs are due each Tuesday. There were no new vocabulary words sent home last Tuesday, 10/23 because of conferences. The next set of new vocabulary words will come home on Tuesday, 10/30 and be tested on Tuesday, 11/6.

Idiom of the week: out of the blue     

Reading Volunteer
I'm experimenting with a website called to coordinate reading volunteers. If you go to the link below you'll see a few days you can volunteer to sign up and read with students in my class. I've never used this before, but if it goes relatively smooth, it may be how I'll post volunteer opportunities in our class. I'd appreciate any feedback you have regarding how easy or difficult the website is for you as a parent.

Halloween Party
The school Halloween parties will take place the day before Halloween on Tuesday, 10/30. There will be a school parade from 1:45-2:15 and then our class party will take place from 2:15-3:00. In order to volunteer you will have to have had a background check completed through the office.

Upcoming Dates
  • Monday, October 29th - Buddies
  • Tuesday, October 30th - Reading Log Due
  • Tuesday, October 30th - Halloween Party - 2:15-3:00
  • Friday, November 2nd - Decade Day
  • Friday, November 9th - No School - Grading Day
  • Thursday, November 15th - Continent Club

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