The Week Ahead 2/17-2/21

Short Week
Students won't return to school until Wednesday, 2/19. Because there is no school on Monday or Tuesday, they will turn in their reading logs on Wednesday.

How We Organize Ourselves
Our classroom has now been divided into Senators and Representatives. Each legislative group selected their leader. Next week the students will be placed in committees. The committees will work together to craft a bill that they will attempt to convince their fellow lawmakers to turn into a law. In order for their classroom bill to become a law it will need to get a majority vote in the House of Representatives and the Senate. Then it will have to get signed by Governor Blanc.

We're working on writing strong persuasive arguments. The students have learned how to outline their argument by determining what their claim will be and their reasons to support the claim. Some of the ways they have been elaborating their reasons include brief stories, statistics, and counter arguments. They will be applying all of these strategies when they attempt to convince their classmates to vote in favor of their bill. 

Idiom of the Week:  a piece of cake

We are nearing of end of our multiplication and division unit. This is the most difficult concept that we cover in 4th grade. Our next unit will cover fractions and decimals. We'll begin by finding fraction equivalents. 

Scholastic Book Orders
Scholastic book orders were sent home last week. The best way to order is online here. Our class code is DKQ9P. I will submit the orders on Friday 2/21. All of the teacher points I earn will be used to purchase books for our classroom library.

Continent Club
The next Continent Club day is Thursday, 2/27. The area to study is SE Asia Oceania. The study guides can be accessed at the links below.

Study Guide

Study Map Labeled

Study Map Blank


Upcoming Dates
  • Monday, February 17th - No School - Presidents' Day
  • Tuesday, February 18th - No School - Staff Development
  • Wednesday, February 19th - Reading Logs Due/Vocab Test
  • Friday, February 21st - Scholastic Book Orders Due 
  • Tuesday, February 25th - Field Trip to Salem
  • Thursday, February 27th - Continent Club

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