The Week Ahead

The book groups are really taking off! Have your student tell you about a character in their book. They should be able to provide evidence from the book to support their opinions of the character. In an effort to get quality nonfiction texts in the hands of our students I will now be sending Time for Kids magazines home with students on Wednesdays. These may be used as at home reading for weekly reading logs. Please encourage your child to take advantage of this great resource.

Idiom of the Week: cat got your tongue?

How We Organize Ourselves
Last week we learned about the three branches of our state government. The students were introduced to a fun resource called It's a great place to play simulations related to government. For example, they were able to be a legislator and work to get laws passed. Next week we'll go more in depth on the process of bills becoming laws. Hopefully you have already seen the paperwork for our upcoming field trip to the State Capitol on Tuesday, 2/25. This will be an awesome experience for our students to see were laws are passed in our state government! Thank you to those who have already returned the permission slip! 

Valentine's Day 
The school Valentine's Day parties will take place on Friday, 2/14 from 1:30-2:30. Thank you to all of the parents who plan, bring supplies, and help supervise for the class parties! Students were sent home with a list of all student names. If your child chooses to bring valentines for classmates they must bring one for everyone and any treats must be store brought. They can't be homemade.

Upcoming Dates
  • Tuesday, February 11th - Reading Logs Due/Vocab Test
  • Friday, February 14th - Valentine's Day Party 1:30-2:30
  • Monday, February 17th - No School - Presidents' Day
  • Tuesday, February 18th - No School - Staff Development Day
  • Tuesday, February 25th - Field Trip to Salem
  • Thursday, February 27th - Continent Club

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