The Week Ahead 2/24-2/28

How We Organize Ourselves
When students return to school next Monday they will learn which committee they have been placed in. On Friday, they listed their top three preferences between culture, health and safety, infrastructure, technology, and rules. Once they've been placed in their committees, they'll work with their fellow members to craft a classroom bill that they believe should become a classroom law. On Friday, 2/28, each committee will get a chance to make their case and then each bill will be voted on. In order to become a classroom law a bill needs to get a majority vote in the House of Representatives and the Senate. Then Governor Blanc will need to sign it. 

Field Trip
Our field trip to Salem will take place on Tuesday, 2/25! We will be leaving school at 9 and expect to return around 1. Chaperones please arrive at the school by 8:45 so we are able to get our groups established.

As book groups are finishing their books they will have a written response they complete in Seesaw. The main thing I'm looking for students to do is give evidence from the text to support their responses. Have your student tell you about the book they are reading. 

Idiom of the Week: In hot water

We started our fraction unit last week. Next week students will work on using division, multiplication, and models to prove that two fractions are equivalent. Have your student tell you what a numerator and denominator are.

Upcoming Dates
  • Tuesday, February 25th - Field Trip to Salem - Reading Logs Due
  • Thursday, February 27th - Continent Club
  • Friday, February 28th - Voting on Classroom Bills

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