Class Party Pics/Winter Break

I am not assigning any homework over the break for students. I will be sending home a Winter Reading Log so students can tally the number of minutes they read over the break. There is no expectation for number of minutes read, in fact, it's not even required that they return the log. However, the student who returns their reading log and has the most minutes read over the break will win a very small prize and be our first member on the Wall of Fame in the new year. The same will go with math in Moby Max. There won't be any required amount of time, but the student who does the most minutes of math on Moby Max will get a very small prize and be on the Wall of Fame. I am able to monitor Moby Max minutes online, so there won't be any recording logs to keep track of time.  Here is the link to access Moby Max

On Friday, the students took a four minute multiplication fact test. Overall, I was excited to see the improvement of the class. During the first week of school our class average was 54 correct answers in four minutes. This week our class average was up to 88 correct answers. Below is the proficiency levels for the timed test:

90 or higher - Highly Proficient
80-89 - Proficient
70-79 - Nearly Proficient
0-69 - Developing

It is very important that students have their multiplication facts memorized. For example, later in the year when we get to fractions, it will be much easier for a student to find common denominators if they have their facts memorized. If a student doesn't have their facts memorized, they will have to use brain power to determine the factors of a number and it will make fractions much more difficult. The students were sent home with their scored papers. Take a look and check the proficiency level of your student with their multiplication facts.

We had our class holiday party today. The students did an ornament exchange, watched elf videos of themselves, and had hot chocolate. Below are some pictures from the party. Have a wonderful holiday season!

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