The Week Ahead 12/2-12/5

I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving Break. I enjoyed the extra time with family, but I'm excited about getting back with the students on Tuesday! Quick reminder that there are no spelling packets or reading logs due when students return on Tuesday, 12/2. However, there will be spelling packets and reading logs due the following Monday, 12/8. 

We will start the week on Module 3, Lesson 11 in math. Students have used area models, the partial products method, and the standard algorithm to solve multiplication problems. This week they will use these skills to solve multiplication word problems. A big focus on these word problems is showing your work with pictures, numbers, and words. In addition to our math lessons, our fact practice with focus on multiplying by 4's this week. To be considered proficient at multiplying by 4's, students will need to get at least 20 correct answers in one minute. Ask your student if they reached proficiency at the end of the week. 

Students will take what they have learned about informational writing and begin writing an expert book about a topic of their choice. The main goal this week will be to make sure that each student has selected their topic and has at least one source of information about the topic. On Monday, 12/8, each student needs to have their topic selected and at least one source, because that is the day we will begin our books. The books will be due on Thursday, December 18th. 

Volunteer Opportunity - We need volunteers who would be willing to make the blank books that students will put their final product in. The volunteers will be using the binding machine and making books for both the 4th grade classes. Please let me know if you are interested in helping out with this project.

Our study of the Corps of Discovery will continue this week. Recently the explorers have survived a harsh winter at Fort Mandan, added three people to their party, and had some close encounters with grizzly bears. Have your student give you more details about what we have learned so far. 

There is a great opportunity to learn more about Playworks. On Wednesday, December 3rd, from 6pm-7pm, in the gym, there will be a chance to learn some creative Playworks activities. Make sure to wear active clothes and tennis shoes if you plan to attend.

Green Team applications have been sent home. If your student is interested they need to turn their application to me by 12/9. 

Upcoming Dates

  • Wednesday, December 3rd - Playworks Night  6pm
  • Monday, December 8th - Spelling Packet/Reading Logs Due
  • Monday, December 8th - Spelling Test
  • Tuesday, December 9th - Green Team Applications Due
  • Wednesday, December 17th - Buddies
  • Thursday, December 18th - Expert Books Due

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