The Week Ahead 12/15-12/19

The expert books are due on Thursday, 12/18. For a student to be on track they should have all of their rough drafts complete and edited when they arrive to school on Monday. Next week we will focus on typing and putting together the books. It would also be good for students to print pictures from home if that is possible. We have to share the computer lab with the whole school, so we have some limited availability there. As we get going next week some students may need to spend time at home typing if it looks like they won't be able to finish the typing during class time. Please check in with your student and see where they are. Below is a progression of how the project should be completed. This project will not have a presentation component, the students will just be creating their books.

Thursday, 12/11 - Students should be done with rough drafts.
Friday, 12,12 - Students should be done editing.
Weekend - Students begin gathering pictures they want to use.
Monday, 12/15-Wednesday, 12/17 - Type
Thursday, 12/18 - Paste pages and pictures in the final book.

On Friday, students were sent home with their Mid-Module 3 assessment scores. This test was over the last 18 lessons. On your students test you will see a score out of 20 and either a D, NP, P, or HP. The letters indicate the level of proficiency the student reached on this test. The levels of proficiency go as follows:                

19-20 – HP (Highly Proficient)
16-18 – P (Proficient)
13-15 – NP (Nearly Proficient)

0-12 – D (Developing)

Next week we will continue on Module 3 with Lesson 20. Our fact practice will focus on multiplying by 7's. 

Our class party will be on Friday, 12/19. There will be an ornament exchange. We are asking everyone to bring a wrapped/gift bagged ornament to the exchange. Please try to keep it around $5 or you can even recycle a nice one from your tree. Send it to school by Friday the 19th. We will also have a hot chocolate bar and a snack. There should be some time for socializing with the other class. Thank you to the volunteers who plan this! 

If you have not yet returned the envelope from your student's report card, please sign it and send it to school on Monday. 

Have a wonderful winter break! 

Upcoming Dates
  • Wednesday, December 17th - Buddies
  • Thursday, December 18th - Expert Books Due
  • Friday, December 19th - Class Party

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