The Week Ahead 12/8-12/12

On Monday, 12/8 students will have spelling packets and reading logs due. They will also take their spelling test over the words from their spelling packet. 

Students will begin writing their expert books on Monday. They were sent home with an overview of the assignment as well as the rubric that will be used to score their books. Each student needs to use at least three sources of information and at least one of those sources must be a book. Every student has either told me they have a book, or I have a book on the way from the library for them. The expert books will be due on Thursday, 12/18. 

In math students have been continuing to use multiplication. They have been solving multi-step word problems using multiplication. These problems are similar to those done at the start of the year with addition and subtraction. In addition to getting the correct answer, students are showing their work with numbers, pictures, and words. On Thursday, 12/11 we will be taking the mid module assessment. This will give the students a chance to show what they know. We will also be continuing our fact fluency practice by focusing on multiplying by 6's during our fact practice time.

This week in our Corps of Discovery unit Sacagawea returned with the explorers to her homeland. She had been taken years prior by a rival tribe. Upon her return she was reunited with her brother, who had become the chief! Ask your student what else has happened so far.

1st trimester Report Cards will be coming home with students on Tuesday, 12/9. Please sign the envelope they arrive in and return the envelope back to school with your child the following day. 

Green Team applications have been sent home. If your student is interested they need to turn in their application to me by 12/9.

On Friday, 12/12 Mrs. Larson will be visiting the class to teach us about the Swedish tradition of Santa Lucia Day!

Upcoming Dates
  • Monday, December 8th - Spelling Packet/Reading Logs Due
  • Monday, December 8th - Spelling Test
  • Tuesday, December 9th - Green Team Applications Due/Report Cards Sent Home
  • Thursday, December 11th - Mid Module Math Assessment
  • Friday, December 12th - Santa Lucia Day Visit
  • Wednesday, December 17th - Buddies
  • Thursday, December 18th - Expert Books Due
  • Friday, December 19th - Class Party

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