The Week Ahead 10/12-10/16

When students return to school on Monday, 10/12, they will have their spelling packets and reading logs due. They will also be tested on their spelling words from the packet and be given their weekly homework for the following Monday.

In math we have continued to work on solving multi-step word problems using addition and subtraction. We should finish up the lessons from module 1 by the end of next week. Early the following week we will have a review day and then take the End of Module 1 Assessment. In addition to our lessons, we have been working on our multiplication fact fluency. Each week we practice a different number. Next week we will be working on multiplying by 3's. 

Each child was sent home with guidelines and the rubric that will be used to score their realistic fiction book presentation. On Monday, 10/12 students need to tell me what they will use for their visual representation. The presentations will be given on Wednesday, 10/21. To help keep students on track, each student calculated how many pages they will need to read each day to complete their books by Friday, 10/16. This would then give them four days to work on their presentation. Students are not required to have their book done by the 16th, it was just a way to help break the project down to more manageable pieces. Ask your child how many pages they need to read each day to stay on track. 

Our study of narrative writing will continue next week with learning strategies for ending our stories in a way that leaves the reader satisfied or with something to think about. At this point in time, many of our stories are ending with "I hope you liked my story" or "That's all for now". We will be practicing different ending techniques like giving the reader some advice, reflecting on something learned, or resolving the problem from the story. Later in the week students will select a piece of writing to take through the editing and revising process and turn into a final copy. 

Don't forget to sign up for conferences. They will take place on Wednesday, October 21st and Thursday, October 22nd. Sign up for a time slot at the following link.
If you need to schedule your conference by phone, please contact the office at 503-259-7830.

Upcoming Dates
  • Monday, October 12th - Realistic Fiction Visual Representations Approval
  • Monday, October 12th - Reading Logs & Spelling Packets Due/Spelling Test
  • Thursday, October 15th - Art Literacy
  • Tuesday, October 20th - Picture Day
  • Wednesday, October 21st - Realistic Fiction Presentations
  • Wednesday, October 21st - Conferences 3:15-8:00
  • Thursday, October 22nd - Conferences 8:00-7:40

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