The Week Ahead 11/2-11/6

Big thanks to all of the parents who made our Halloween party so much fun! I can't tell you how amazing it is for me, as a teacher, to have the whole party taken care of, and not have to do anything! 

Hopefully you read the email I sent early last week that gave information about the homework change. In case you didn't, students don't have any spelling packets or reading logs due on Monday, 11/2. Instead, they have seven questions they need to answer about their biography book. While they won't be turning in spelling packets or reading logs on Monday, 11/2, they will be sent home with a spelling packet and reading log that will be due the following Monday, 11/9. 

Last week we started our Biztown unit with lessons on services offered by financial institutions, depositing checks, and maintaining an accurate balance of a checking account. The students were shocked to learn that when you take a loan from a financial institution, you have to pay back all of the money you borrow, and pay interest! Next week we'll compare some of the different ways that people pay for things like debit cards, credit cards, cash, and checks. We'll also learn about savings accounts. The students are being introduced to a lot of new vocabulary during this unit. Ask them to tell you about some of the new words they have learned. 

In math we finished up our fifth and final lesson in the very brief, Module 2. Students will work on a practice test on Monday and then take the End of Module 2 Assessment on Tuesday. You can help your student prepare for the assessment by going over their practice test with them on Monday evening. We will begin Module 3 in the middle of the week. Module 3 is much longer than either of the first two modules we have covered so far, 38 lessons. It will go over multiplication and division. The first three lessons will involve solving for perimeter and area. Our weekly fact fluency practice will focus on multiplying by 6's. 

Students spent last week in writing editing and revising a narrative piece they wrote earlier in the year. The last day students will have in class to work on their final copy will be Monday. I told the students to look at how much work they have left and decide if they think they can finish it in 45 minutes on Monday. If they don't think they will be able to finish it in 45 minutes, they should take it home over the weekend and get some of it done. 

I sent an email to all of the parents who expressed interested in volunteering for our Biztown field trip on Wednesday, 12/9. If you told me you were interested, but didn't receive an email, please let me know so I can give you more information about the trip. 

Upcoming Dates
  • Monday, November 2nd - Biography Book Questions Due - Narrative Final Draft Due (At the end of the day)
  • Tuesday, November 3rd - End of Module 2 Math Assessment
  • Monday, November 9th - Reading Log & Spelling Packet Due/Spelling Test
  • Wednesday, November 11th - No School - Veterans Day
  • Wednesday, November 18th - Continent Club Check
  • Tuesday, December 1st - Biztown Training 6-7:30 pm
  • Thursday, December 3rd - Biztown Training 10-11:30 am
  • Wednesday, December 9th - Biztown Field Trip

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