The Week Ahead 10/19-10/23

The students will only have school three days next week, but there will be a lot going on during those three days. They will have their usual weekly homework due on Monday. They will also be taking their spelling test that day.

The reason there is only three days of school next week is because of conferences. If you haven't signed up for a time to meet with me yet please go to the following link. 

If you need to schedule your conference by phone, please contact the office at 503-259-7830. The purpose of this conference will be to look at where each child is now and make goals for them. I would like students to be present at the conference.

The realistic fiction book presentations will be on Wednesday, 10/21. Students will be scored based on the rubric that was sent home a couple weeks ago. 

We finished the lessons in Module 1 on Friday. Next Monday students will prepare for their End of Module 1 Assessment by taking a practice test. You can help your student prepare for their test by going over their practice test with them on Monday evening. They will be taking the test on Tuesday. Our fact fluency practice will be focusing on multiplying by 11's. 

Students have been working in groups to make posters about Native American tribes from Oregon. Groups have been researching their tribe using books, websites, and informational articles. The posters will be finished on Monday, 10/19. The following day will be our barter simulation. Students were sent home with information about the barter simulation earlier in the week. Each child is responsible for bringing an item that is not important to them and worth no more than $2. Students should bring their item to school on Monday. 

On Monday, October 26th we will begin a unit called Biztown. Biztown encompasses elements of community and economy, work readiness, financial literacy, and business management. The unit will be taught in all of the 4th and 5th grade classrooms and will culminate in a field trip on December 9th. We will need around 23 total adult volunteers from the participating classrooms. A volunteer must be able to attend a Biztown training on either Tuesday, 12/1 from 6-7:30 pm, or Thursday, 12/3 from 10:11:30 am. Please let me know if you are interested in volunteering for the field trip.

The first Continent Club check will be on Wednesday. You can get more information about Continent Club and get a study guide for the upcoming quiz at the link below.
Picture day will be on Tuesday, 10/20. Students were sent home with the ordering information today.

Upcoming Dates

  • Tuesday, October 20th - Picture Day/Bartering Activity
  • Wednesday, October 21st - Realistic Fiction Presentations/Continent Club Check
  • Wednesday, October 21st - Conferences 3:15-8:00
  • Thursday, October 22nd - Conferences 8:00-7:40
  • Friday, October 30th - Halloween Party
  • Tuesday, December 1st - Biztown Training 6-7:30 pm
  • Thursday, December 3rd - Biztown Training 10-11:30 am
  • Wednesday, December 9th - Biztown Field Trip

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