The Week Ahead 11/16-11/20

Students will be turning in their spelling packet and reading log on Monday, 11/16. They will also be sent home with their spelling packet and reading log that will be due the following Monday, 11/23. 

The big event next week will be Interview Day. On Friday, from 2-3, students will be going to the cafeteria to be interviewed by parent volunteers. Students are encouraged to dress professionally for their interview. These interviews will be a factor in the jobs that students are given for the Biztown simulation. We will attempt to place each student in one of their preferred jobs, but some students may be placed in a job that isn't one of their top 3 choices. I have guaranteed the students that they will have a great time at Biztown, regardless of their job, if they have a positive attitude. Students were sent home with the paperwork for the field trip on Thursday evening. Please complete and send back to school ASAP. 

In math students will be multiplying three and four digit numbers by a one digit number. They will use the standard algorithm, which is probably the method that parents will be most familiar with. They will also be introduced to the partial product method, which may not be as familiar to parents. If you find yourself helping your student with their math and you need a quick tutorial on the differences between the standard algorithm and the partial product method of multiplication go to this website We will be starting on Module 3, Lesson 8 on Monday. If you would like your student to do extra math, have them log on to their Moby Max account All of the lessons they are assigned, are based on their strengths and weaknesses from a placement test, taken at the start of the year. Our weekly fact practice will focus on multiplying by 8's.

The next Continent Club Check Day is Wednesday, 11/18. The focus of this check day will be SE Asia and Oceania. Students were sent home with a paper that had a link where a study map could be found. Here is the link

New Scholastic book orders have been sent home. The easiest way to order is online at Our class code is DKQ9P. All orders need to be submitted by Tuesday, 11/24. All classroom points that are earned with be used to purchase books for our classroom library

Upcoming Dates

  • Monday, November 16th - Reading Log & Spelling Packet Due/Spelling Test
  • Wednesday, November 18th - Continent Club Check
  • Friday, November 20th - Interview Day - Volunteers Needed From 2-3 pm
  • Tuesday, November 24th - Scholastic Book Orders Due - Class Code DKQ9P
  • Tuesday, December 1st - Biztown Training 6-7:30 pm
  • Thursday, December 3rd - Biztown Training 10-11:30 am
  • Wednesday, December 9th - Biztown Field Trip

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