The Week Ahead 11/23-11/27

Next week will be a short one. Because of Thanksgiving there will be no school on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday. On Monday, 11/23, students will turn in their spelling packet and reading log. There will not be a spelling packet or reading log sent as homework over the holiday break. Students will be sent home with an optional reading log. The student who records the most hours read over the break will get a very minor prize. 

Thank you to all of the volunteers who made Interview Day possible! After school on Friday, the 4th and 5th grade teachers reviewed the interview notes and student job applications and assigned student jobs. We did our best to place each student in one of their top three choices, but unfortunately, not every child was able to be placed in one of their top three choices. On Monday, 11/23, students will learn their job placement. In preparation for our field trip to Biztown, students will begin meeting with students who are working for the same Biztown business. Each 4th and 5th grade classroom will have 4-5 businesses who meet in their room. 

We are now studying the fantasy genre. Each student has selected a fantasy novel at their reading level. They will begin reading their books on Monday, November 23rd. On Thursday, December 17th, students will give a book talk about their fantasy book. Last week I sent students home with a description of the assignment as well as a rubric on how their book talks will be scored. Ask your student to tell you about their book and have them tell you what the elements of a fantasy novel are. 

On Friday, 11/20, students wrote their final narrative on-demand writing piece. We had a lot of fun looking back at some of our earlier writing samples from the term and seeing how much progress we have made as narrative writers. I'm really looking forward to grading the most recent on-demand pieces! 

In math we will be working on a practice test for Mid Module 3 on Monday. Then on Tuesday, we will take the Mid Module 3 test. You can help your student prepare for their assessment by going over the practice test with them on Monday evening. Over the break we will have a Moby Max math challenge. The student who does the most minutes of Moby Max math will get a very small prize. I am able to monitor the number of minutes completed online, so there is not paperwork that will need to be filled out. Here is the link to log on

Classes can earn wooden nickels for good behavior at school. They can be awarded by me or by other teachers in the building. Last week we earned our 10th wooden nickel! The class decided they wanted their reward to be a tent, read-in day. We decided to have the tent, read-in day on Friday, 12/4, which also happens to be a school spirit day with a theme of wear your PJ's to school. Students may bring a blanket and pillow and create a comfortable space in the room to read. We will still have math, Biztown, and go to our special in the morning, but the rest of our class time will be spent reading in our comfortable space. 

The Scholastic book orders are due on Tuesday, November 24th. Our class code is DKQ9P. The easiest way to order is online at

Upcoming Dates
  • Monday, November 23rd - Spelling Packet & Reading Log Due - Start Fantasy Books
  • Tuesday, November 24th - Scholastic Book Orders Due - Class Code DKQ9P
  • Tuesday, November 24th - Mid Module 3 Math Assessment
  • November 25th - November 27th - No School - Thanksgiving Holiday
  • Monday, November 30th - No School - Grading Day
  • Tuesday, December 1st - Biztown Training 6-7:30 pm
  • Thursday, December 3rd - Biztown Training 10-11:30 am
  • Friday, December 4th - Class Prize - Read-In Day
  • Wednesday, December 9th - Biztown Field Trip
  • Thursday, December 17th - Fantasy Book Talks

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