The Week Ahead 12/1-12/4

I hope everyone enjoyed the Thanksgiving holiday. It's hard for me to believe that we are wrapping up the first trimester of the school year already! 

When students return to school on Tuesday, 12/1, they will get their spelling packet and reading log. The spelling packet and reading log will be due next Monday, 12/7. 

Before we left for Thanksgiving Break, we took the Mid Module 3 Assessment. Students will be coming home with their graded assessments on Tuesday. We will be working on Module 3, Lesson 14 on Tuesday. Our focus will now shift to division. Our weekly fact practice will focus on multiplying by 9's. 

Last week students began reading their fantasy novels. They will be giving book talks on their novel on Thursday, December 17th. A rubric was sent home with specifics on how the book talks will be scored. Students can use notecards during their book talk. 

Over the break I got a chance to score the on-demand narratives we wrote last week. I am very pleased with the progress the class has made in their writing. Students will now have the opportunity to select a piece of narrative writing from their writer's notebook and take it through the revision and editing process to make it a published draft. These final drafts will be typed. Students will be given time at school to type, but if they fall behind, they may need to finish typing at home. 

The Biztown field trip is approaching quickly. There are still three students who have not returned their paperwork for the field trip. I will be sending emails on Tuesday to any families that I haven't received paperwork from.  

Did you know that our school is in the exploration phase of the Primary Years Programme (PYP)? You can learn more about PYP on Tuesday, 12/1, at the PYP Parent Information Night. It will take place at 6 pm in the library. 

Your student is not pulling your leg when they say they get to wear PJ's and bring a blanket and pillow to school this Friday. They get to wear PJ's because it is a school spirit day. The blanket and pillows were earned as a class prize. We will have a read-in, and students will get to create a comfortable space for themselves to read. We will still have math, specials, and Biztown on the read-in day.  

Upcoming Dates

  • Tuesday, December 1st - Biztown Volunteer Training 6-7:30 pm
  • Thursday, December 3rd - Biztown Volunteer Training 10-11:30 am
  • Friday, December 4th - Class Prize - Read-In Day
  • Monday, December 7th - Reading Log & Spelling Packet Due - Spelling Test
  • Tuesday, December 8th - Trimester 1 Report Cards Sent Home
  • Wednesday, December 9th - Biztown Field Trip
  • Thursday, December 17th - Fantasy Book Talks
  • Friday, December 18th - Class Winter Party

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