The Week Ahead 11/9-11/13

In observance of Veterans Day, there will be no school on Wednesday, 11/11. When students return to school on Monday, 11/9, they will have a reading log and spelling packet due. They will also get their spelling packet and reading log that will be due the following Monday. 

New Scholastic book orders went home with students on Friday. The easiest way to order is online at Our class code is DKQ9P. All orders need to be submitted by Tuesday, 11/24. All classroom points that are earned with be used to purchase books for our classroom library. 

On Thursday of last week the Beaverton Rotary Club visited our class and gave each student their own personal dictionary! These will be a great tool for the students to use, and it also gave us an opportunity to work on writing thank you letters!

Next week in math we will continue Module 3. Students will be multiplying by 10's, 100's, and 1,000's. They will represent the multiplication with place value charts and solve word problems. Parents may not be familiar with showing multiplication with place value charts. Here is a helpful website that will give you an idea of how students will be expected to show multiplication with place value charts on their homework We will be working on lesson 4 on Monday. Our fact practice will focus on Multiplying by 7's.  

Our Biztown unit has been lots of fun! Students are becoming masters of personal finance. As part of the unit students will be assigned a job with duties that they will perform on our field trip on December 9th. In order to receive a job students will have to apply for the job and be interviewed. We are asking for parent volunteers to give the interviews on Friday, 11/20 from 2-3 in the school cafeteria. Each parent volunteer will be given a sheet of paper with interview questions and then asked to write some feedback for the student to learn from the experience. We are hoping to get about 20 volunteers, so we can get an interview for all of the 4th and 5th grade students. Please let me know if you are interested in helping out on Interview Day.

Upcoming Dates
  • Monday, November 9th - Reading Log & Spelling Packet Due/Spelling Test
  • Wednesday, November 11th - No School - Veterans Day
  • Wednesday, November 18th - Continent Club Check
  • Friday, November 20th - Interview Day - Volunteers Needed From 2-3 pm
  • Tuesday, November 24th - Scholastic Book Orders Due - Class Code DKQ9P
  • Tuesday, December 1st - Biztown Training 6-7:30 pm
  • Thursday, December 3rd - Biztown Training 10-11:30 am
  • Wednesday, December 9th - Biztown Field Trip

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