The Week Ahead 2/15-2/19

Monday, 2/15 there will be no school because of Presidents' Day. When students return to school on Tuesday, 2/16, they will have reading logs due. The reading log can be completed online by going to the "Websites" tab and clicking the link below Reading Log Form. Students will take a vocabulary test and be given new words for their vocabulary test next Monday. The new set of words are Latin stems.

Our study of fractions will focus on comparing fractions and adding and subtracting fractions. I have added two math links on the "Websites" tab of the blog. One of the links is titled "Daily Lesson Tutorial" gives a quick overview of the concept taught that day. All you have to do is select the lesson we covered that day. The other link is called "Homework Help". This link has a teacher going over a couple of the homework problems for each lesson. Our weekly fact fluency practice will focus on dividing by 7's.

Most of the groups are wrapping of their historical fiction books and will have their final meeting next week. Check in with your student and have them tell you about the book they read. Ask them to describe a major and minor character from the story. Have them tell you similarities and differences between the book and another book they've recently read. Would they recommend the book to someone else, why or why not?

Last week our main focus was on selecting an open-ended question and then researching. Students have been collecting their information and putting it into groups that are connected with each other. Next week our focus will be looking at the information we have and adding our own commentary about the information. Some of the commentary strategies students will be introduced to are compare and contrast, give an opinion, agree/disagree, and ask a question. Students will continue be allowed to use technology devices from home to assist with this project.

Science Fair 
Last week students were sent home with Science Fair packets. The event will take place at the school on Thursday, March 17th. Students will not be required to participate, but we encourage all students to participate in this great event. Our class will be doing our own inquiry, which will be shown at the Science Fair.

Don't forget to sign up for conferences. They will take place on Wednesday, 2/24, from 3:20-8pm, and Thursday, 2/25, from 8am-8pm. Please click on the link below and sign up for your conference. Let me know if you are unavailable on either of those two days and we can schedule an alternate time to meet.

Continent Club
The next Continent Club check day will be on Wednesday, February 24th. The Continent of the month is South America. The study materials can be downloaded from the West TV PTC website found below.

Upcoming Dates
  • Monday, February 15th - No School - Presidents' Day
  • Tuesday, February 16th - Reading Log Due/Vocab Test
  • Monday, February 22nd - Reading Log Due/Vocab Test
  • Wednesday, February 24th - Continent Club - Conferences 3pm - 8pm -
  • Thursday, February 25th -  No School Conferences 8am - 8pm
  • Friday, February 26th - No School
  • Thursday, March 17th - Science Fair 5pm - 7pm

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