The Week Ahead 2/22-2/26

Next week will be a short one for students. There will be no school on Thursday or Friday. When students return from the weekend on Monday, 2/22, they will have reading logs due and they will take their vocabulary test. They will also get their vocabulary words for next week.

Our class conferences will take place on Wednesday evening 2/24,  and all day Thursday 2/25. Please bring your child with you to their conference. If you have not yet signed up please go to the link below and select a time. If you are unavailable to meet at any of the available times, let me know and we can schedule a conference for another time.

Students have been working hard to find supporting facts to answer their inquiry questions. They should now be putting all of the information they have collected into a written draft. On Wednesday 2/24, the final draft of their written paper is due.

Once we move past the written portion of the projects, students will be responsible for creating a presentation on their inquiry question. There is no limit to the media that these presentations are completed with. The presentations need to be completed and turned in to me on Friday, March 4th. The students will be giving the presentations to the class during the week of March 7th-March 11th. Students will not be given time to complete the presentations in class. Because we are assigning this as homework, they will not be given vocabulary words or assigned reading logs during the week of 2/29-3/4. 

Students will be taking the Mid Module Assessment for Module 5 on Wednesday 2/24. You can help them prepare for their test by going over the practice test that will be sent home with them on Tuesday evening. I will also send home an answer key for the practice test. Because last week and next week are both short weeks, and we can use more practice dividing by 7's, our fact practice next week will again focus on improving our speed and accuracy in dividing by 7's. Don't forget about the math resources that can be found in the Websites page.

Discovery Education
Each student now has access to a great resource at Discovery Education. Through a grant from the PTC, students can now have their own accounts at the site. There are all kids of educational videos on the site. In addition, there is a great feature, in which students can create a "Board" to store and present their knowledge on a topic. It could be a great tool to use for their westward expansion presentation.

To log in each student will need to input their unique username. The usernames are students first name, first two letters of last name and the number 4. Then the password for everyone is Allstar16. For example my username would be AndyBl4 and my password would be Allstar16. Below is the link to log in is below.

Continent Club
The next Continent Club check day will be on Wednesday, February 24th. The Continent of the month is South America. The study materials can be downloaded from the West TV PTC website found below.

Upcoming Dates
  • Monday, February 22nd - Reading Log Due/Vocab Test
  • Wednesday, February 24th - Final Draft of Written Inquiry Due
  • Wednesday, February 24th - Continent Club - Conferences 3pm - 8pm 
  • Thursday, February 25th -  No School Conferences 8am - 8pm
  • Friday, February 26th - No School
  • Friday, March 4th - Inquiry Presentations Due
  • March 7th-March 10th - Inquiry Presentations
  • Thursday, March 17th - Science Fair 5pm - 7pm

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