The Week Ahead 2/8-2/12

When students return to school on Monday, 2/8, they will have a reading log due. They will also be tested on their vocabulary words. The new vocabulary words they get for the following week's test will be math terms. The online link to the reading log form can now be found in the "Websites" tab.

Next week our westward expansion inquiry unit will transition into more of an individual inquiry. Students will select an open-ended question about westward expansion and then begin researching the question. Over the weekend students need to come up with their open-ended question and three subtopics within the big topic of their question. To keep parents updated on what their children are researching, we are asking parents to sign the blue paper to acknowledge that they are aware of the question their student will be working on. The first week of the inquiry will focus on collecting facts to help answer their question.

In an effort to increase the technology available to our students, 4th grade is allowing students to bring their own technology devices to school. Students will only be allowed to use the device if they return the gold permission slip that was sent home on Friday.

The information papers on the Corps of Discovery were due on Friday. If your student did not turn in their paper you should have received an email from me.

Next week in math students will use multiplication and division to find fraction equivalence. We will also begin to compare the size of fractions with different denominators. Our fact practice will focus on improving our speed and accuracy in dividing by 6's.

A very important skill that students work on in their Technology time with Mrs. Brown is typing. They use a program called Typing Agent that allows teachers to monitor their growth over time. Students can access their Typing Agent at home by going to Once at the site, students can log in by entering their unique username, which they know. Then the password for everyone is star.

Our class Valentine's Day Party will be on Friday, 2/12. Students may bring valentines for others, but if they do, they must have one for each member of the class. Also, if your student is planning on bringing valentines with treats, they must be store bought. On Friday, students were sent home with a pink paper that includes a class list. 

Don't forget to sign up for conferences. They will take place on Wednesday, 2/24, from 3:20-8pm, and Thursday, 2/25, from 8am-8pm. Please click on the link below and sign up for your conference. Let me know if you are unavailable on either of those two days and we can schedule an alternate time to meet.

Continent Club
The next Continent Club check day will be on Wednesday, February 24th. The Continent of the month is South America. The study materials can be downloaded from the West TV PTC website found below.

Upcoming Dates 
  • Monday, February 8th - Reading Log Due/Vocab Test 
  • Friday, February 12th - Valentine's Day Party
  • Monday, February 15th - No School - Presidents' Day
  • Tuesday, February 16th - Reading Log Due/Vocab Test
  • Wednesday, February 24th - Continent Club - Conferences 3pm - 8pm -
  • Thursday, February 25th -  No School Conferences 8am - 8pm
  • Friday, February 26th - No School

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