The Week Ahead 4/11-4/15

When students return to school on Monday, 4/11 they will have reading logs due. They will also take their vocabulary test on the quadrilateral and triangle terms that were sent home last week. There will be a new set of vocabulary words sent home that will be tested the following Monday, 4/18.

Our study of decimals will continue. Students will introduced to hundredths and work towards comparing a decimal written in hundredths with a decimal written in tenths. Students are expected to complete a lesson each day. If they don't finish their lesson in class, they need to bring it back completed, the next day. Please check with your student each day regarding their math homework.

State Testing
Last week we completed the English Language Arts (ELA) Computer Adaptive Test (CAT). We will not take any state tests during the week of 4/11-4/15. Our next state assessment will take place on Monday, 4/18 and Tuesday, 4/19. At that time we will take the ELA Performance Task (PT).

Continent Club
The next Continent Check Day will be on Wednesday, 4/20. Africa will be the continent that is checked. The study materials can be downloaded from the West TV PTC website at

Volunteer Appreciation
One of the best things about working at West TV is the terrific support we receive from the community. In an attempt to show volunteers how thankful we are for them, volunteer appreciation will take place on Thursday, 4/21 at 2 pm. If you have volunteered in any way throughout the year, please join us.

Art Lit  
Our next Art Lit lesson will take place on Thursday, 4/14. We will be learning about Albrecht Durer, the German Renaissance painter and print maker.

Upcoming Dates
  • Monday, April 11th - Reading Logs Due - Vocab Test
  • Thursday, April 14th - Art Lit
  • Monday, April 18th - State Testing English Language Arts - Performance Task
  • Tuesday, April 19th - State Testing - English Language Arts - Performance Task
  • Wednesday, April 20th - Continent Club Check - Africa 
  • Thursday, April 21st - Volunteer Appreciation 2:00 pm
  • Wednesday, May 4th - State Testing - Math - Computer Adaptive Test
  • Thursday, May 5th - State Testing - Math - Computer Adaptive Test
  • Tuesday, May 17th - State Testing - Math - Performance Task 

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