The Week Ahead 4/25-4/28

When students return to school on Monday, 4/25 they will have reading logs due. They will also be tested on the water vocabulary words they were given last week. There will be no school for students on Friday, 4/29 because it is a Staff Development Day.

Students were sent home with their scored end of module 6 math test on Friday. Please go over the test with your student and let me know if you have any questions about their performance. Our study of math will now shift to geometry. The lessons this week we focus primarily on lines and angles, but we will begin measuring angles. All students will need a protractor in order to be successful in this unit. Please check with your student and make sure they have a protractor at school.

Each student is in a book group. Students read an assigned number of pages each week and then meet to discuss the book. Student also write answers to questions I give them about their book. Have your student tell you about their book. 

Idiom of the week: clear the air

Future Field Trip
Later this Spring we will study the state government of Oregon. To help us understand how the state government works, we will be taking a field trip to tour the State Capitol Building on Monday, 5/23! There will be more specific details and chaperone information in the near future.

State Testing
Last week we completed the English Language Arts (ELA) Performance Task (PT). We will not be taking any state tests during the week of 4/25-4/29. The next state test we will be taking is the Math Computer Adaptive Test (CAT) on Wednesday, 5/4 and Thursday, 5/5.

PYP Intro/Language Focus Group
Did you know that West TV is in the exploration phase of the Primary Years Programme (PYP)? If you are interested to learn more about what this means, there will be an information night on Wednesday, 4/27 from 6-6:45 in the library. Following the information session, there will be a focus group that discusses the foreign language options to be taught at West TV next year. The language focus chat will be from 6:45-7:15. You are welcome to join for both the PYP information and the language discussion, or for just one of them.

Carnival Ticket Orders
Students were sent home with ticket orders for the West TV Carnival. The orders are due back on May 6th. 

Upcoming Dates
  • Monday, April 25th - Reading Logs Due - Water Vocab Test
  • Wednesday, April 27th - PYP Intro 6-6:45 - Language Focus Group 6:45-7:15
  • Friday, April 29th - No School - Staff Development 
  • Wednesday, May 4th - State Testing - Math - Computer Adaptive Test
  • Thursday, May 5th - State Testing - Math - Computer Adaptive Test
  • Friday, May 6th - Carnival Ticket Orders Due
  • Thursday, May 12th - Family Math Night
  • Tuesday, May 17th - State Testing - Math - Performance Task 
  • Monday, May 23rd - Field Trip to State Capitol Building 

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