The Week Ahead 4/18-4/22

Students have reading logs due when they return to school on Monday, 4/18. They will also take their quiz over the ten idioms they were given to study. You can help your student prepare for their quiz by having them tell you what each of the idioms mean.

Students are currently working with a partner on an opinion writing piece. Last week we looked at six statements and students wrote whether they strongly agreed, agreed, disagreed, or strongly disagreed with each one. Then they wrote an explanation as to why they felt that way. Later in the week I gave them a partner and told them to pick one of the six statements, and write an opinion paper either agreeing or disagreeing with the statement. The papers are due on Friday, 4/22. Ask your student which statement they are writing about with their partner. They should have three strong reasons to support their thesis.

All students are currently in book groups that meet weekly. They have a set number of pages to read before each meeting. At the meeting they discuss their opinions of the book. After the meeting they respond to a question that I give them. Check in with your student and have them tell you about the book they are reading.

On another note, a big area of focus for us this year in language arts has been on learning about figurative language. Each week we have had an idiom of the week. I haven't been putting them in the blog posts, but a student gave me the great suggestion that I should be putting them in. From here on out I'll try to remember to let you know what our idiom of the week is. Talk to your student and have them explain what the idiom means.

Idiom of the Week: Throw under the bus

We finish our study of decimals on Friday, 4/22. You can help your student prepare for the end of module test by going over the practice test with them on Thursday evening.

Continent Club
The next Continent Check Day will be on Wednesday, 4/20. Africa will be the continent that is checked. The study materials can be downloaded from the West TV PTC website at

Volunteer Appreciation
One of the best things about working at West TV is the terrific support we receive from the community. In an attempt to show volunteers how thankful we are for them, volunteer appreciation will take place on Thursday, 4/21 at 2 pm. If you have volunteered in any way throughout the year, please join us. 

State Testing
We will be state testing on Monday, 4/18 and Tuesday, 4/19. The test the students will be taking is the English Language Arts (ELA) Performance Task (PT). This test will require the students to answer a set of complex questions centered on a common topic. The best way you can help your student prepare for this test is to make sure they get plenty of rest the night before and make sure they eat a good breakfast. Let me know if you have any questions about state testing.

Upcoming Dates
  • Monday, April 18th - State Testing English Language Arts - Performance Task 
  • Monday, April 18th - Reading Logs Due - Idiom Quiz
  • Tuesday, April 19th - State Testing - English Language Arts - Performance Task
  • Wednesday, April 20th - Continent Club Check - Africa 
  • Thursday, April 21st - Volunteer Appreciation 2:00 pm
  • Wednesday, May 4th - State Testing - Math - Computer Adaptive Test
  • Thursday, May 5th - State Testing - Math - Computer Adaptive Test
  • Tuesday, May 17th - State Testing - Math - Performance Task 

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